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3 Pillars -> Information on CSSM's ability to develop solutions in food security, climate change and clean water.

Upper Hammonds Plains (Pockwock Watershed)
Site 1 -Granite Site
Site 1 is located in Pockwock Lake Watershed (the main water supply area for Halifax) and is typical of a granite (granodiorite) till soil in Nova Scotia, except this site is on the high end for surface and subsurface stoniness. These dry to fresh, poor to medium soils generally support conifer forest – white pine and black spruce on poor/dry sites, and red spruce and eastern hemlock on fresh/medium sites. By area, these well-drained granite (Gibraltar) soils are the most common in the province.
Hants County (Tim Marsh Farm – Karst Site)
Site 2 – Karst Site
Site 2 is located on agricultural land adjacent to a gypsum mine. It reflects some of the typical features of karst topography – sinkholes and nearby bedrock exposures. The main soil in this association is the imperfectly drained Queens series derived from a loam to clay loam till containing shales and sandstones. But where local sources of gypsum have been incorporated into the till (as is the case here), internal drainage is improved, and the soil is classed as moderately-well drained Falmouth series. Queens soils are an important agricultural soil in Nova Scotia and is ranked third by area, but gypsum influenced soils only make up about 3% of this total.
Wolfville (Dykeland Soils)
Site 3 – Dykeland Site
Site 3 is associated with historically important dykeland soils created from reclaimed salt marsh by French Acadian settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries. They achieved this through hard work and the ingenious use of constructed dykes with built in aboiteaux (wooden sluices) that allowed drainage of fresh water from raised fields during low tide, but prevented inundation of saltwater at high tide. After several years, this natural flushing resulted in fertile farmland with reduced salinity. The soil described here is a poorly drained example between raised fields.