Description of mission / research objectives / organizational goals.
3 Pillars -> Information on CSSM's ability to develop solutions in food security, climate change and clean water.
Description of mission / research objectives / organizational goals.
3 Pillars -> Information on CSSM's ability to develop solutions in food security, climate change and clean water.
Forest soil health is fundamental to forest ecosystem health and sustainable forest management. Through promotion of soil health, private woodland owners can maintain or enhance forest productivity, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and climate change resilience. However, private woodland owners in Nova Scotia have limited information on the status of their forest soils, and little ability to interpret this information for management purposes. The Forest Soil Health Assessment-Research-Extension (ForestSHARE) project was developed to address this problem.
Through direct engagement with landowners, we aim to collect and analyze approximately 1,700 forest soil samples from 850 targeted private woodland sites across Nova Scotia between 2025-2027. Results from this work will be combined with data previously collected by DNRR to establish a comprehensive benchmark soils data set for the province. Based on literature review and soil analysis results using leading-edge technology, we will then develop a suite of ecosystem-appropriate forest soil health indicators, and produce a State of Forest Soil Health report for use by forest landowners and managers across the province. Following this, we will work with Provincial government departments to develop the framework for a forest soil health extension program whereby private woodland owners (and others) can regularly submit forest soil samples for cost-effective analysis and management recommendations – similar to what is currently available for agricultural soils.
In addition, we will provide regional training opportunities for private woodland owners, forest professionals, and post-secondary students to build knowledge and capacity in forest soil health assessment and management. Results from this project will greatly enhance our collective ability to promote forest soil health, forest ecosystem health, and climate change resilience on private woodlands across Nova Scotia now and into the future.
ForestSHARE is funded through the Research Nova Scotia Bringing Focus to Forestry Research program and Mitacs, with significant in-kind contributions from several partners:
Kevin Keys, PhD, RPF
Debbie Reeves, BComm
Project description is coming soon.